A “desagregação” do Ensino Superior (The “unbundling” of Higher Education)


  • Tristan McCowan Institute of Education, University College London, UK





Unbundling is the process through which products previously sold together are separated into their constituent parts. In higher education, this dynamic has been driven primarily by financial motivations, and spearheaded by the for-profit sector, but also has pedagogical motivations through its emphasis on personalization and employability. This article presents a theoretical analysis of the trend, proposing new conceptual tools with which to map the normative implications. While appearing to offer the prospect of financial viability and increased relevance, unbundling presents some worrying signs for universities: frst, the removal of possible synergies between teaching and research, and between different modes of learning; second, the undermining of the ability of institutions to promote the public good and ensure equality of opportunity; and third, the threat of hyperporosity to the conducting of basic research with long-term benefits.

Keywords: Commodifcation, For-profit higher education, Future of the university, MOOcs.


A desagregação é o processo pelo qual os produtos anteriormente vendidos em conjunto são separados em suas partes constituintes. No ensino superior, esta dinâmica tem sido impulsionada principalmente por motivações financeiras e liderada pelo setor com fins lucrativos, mas também tem motivações pedagógicas através da ênfase na personalização e na empregabilidade. Este artigo apresenta uma análise teórica da tendência, propondo novas ferramentas conceituais para mapear as implicações normativas. Embora pareça oferecer perspectivas de viabilidade financeira e maior relevância, a desagregação apresenta alguns sinais preocupantes para as universidades: primeiro, a remoção de possíveis sinergias entre ensino e pesquisa, e entre diferentes modos de aprendizagem; em segundo lugar, o enfraquecimento da capacidade das instituições de promover o bem público e garantir a igualdade de oportunidades; e, em terceiro lugar, a ameaça de hiperporosidade na realização de pesquisas básicas com benefícios no longo prazo.

Palavras-chave: Comoditização, Ensino Superior com fins lucrativos, Futuro da universidade, MOOCs.


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Biografia do Autor

Tristan McCowan, Institute of Education, University College London, UK

Reader in Education and International Development at the UCL Institute of Education, London. His work focuses on the areas of access to and quality of higher education, alternative and innovative universities, citizenship education and human rights, and covers a broad range of contexts, particularly in Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa. He is currently conducting multi-country research projects focusing on higher education pedagogy, graduate destinations and the public good in Africa, and is also involved in research on indigenous education in the Brazilian Amazon and Mexico, and is editor of Compare – a Journal of International and Comparative Education.




Como Citar

MCCOWAN, T. A “desagregação” do Ensino Superior (The “unbundling” of Higher Education). Revista Eletrônica de Educação, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 2, p. 464–482, 2018. DOI: 10.14244/198271992584. Disponível em: https://www.reveduc.ufscar.br/index.php/reveduc/article/view/2584. Acesso em: 23 out. 2024.



##plugins.generic.dates.received## 2017-12-13
##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 2017-12-13
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2018-05-14